June 8, 2024 – Niagara Falls, NY

Saturday morning, we woke to sunshine and the forecast was for partly cloudy skies and a chance of late afternoon showers.  We decided to go back to Niagara Falls State Park and hike along the trails with Tacky.  Our first stop was on Goat Island at Terrapin Point to view Horseshoe Falls.

We were so glad we stopped here today because with the sunshine came a wonderful rainbow in front of Horseshoe Falls.

Tacky didn’t mind getting a little wet when the wind blew the mist our way.

We walked around Goat Island to the Three Sisters Islands.  The rapids between the islands are beautiful.

We are on the last of the Three Sisters Islands looking at the Niagara River just above Horseshoe Falls.

On the way back to the Jeep we saw this Black Squirrel – Rex thinks it is panting but it looks like it is saying ‘leave me alone’.  Our walk around Goat Island and The Three Sisters Islands was about 2.25 miles and we are getting hungry for lunch.

We drove to the Niagara River Gorge Trail Trailhead where we ate our picnic lunch before starting out on the trail.  We got a great view of the Rainbow Bridge across the Niagara River.  This is the bridge we will be taking tomorrow when we leave here to go to Niagara Falls, Ontario.

The trail follows the river down into the gorge.  Nancy and Tacky look very small at the base of this tall cliff.

The river just above the whirlpool rapids is a beautiful green.

We are now climbing the first of many steep stone stairs up out of the gorge.

The upper Whirlpool Rapids are beautiful in the sunshine.  When we were here on Wednesday it was raining.

    Tacky is enjoying some of the flowers along the trail.

The lower part of the rapids and the whirlpool.

Today we were able to get a better picture of the Aerocar.  Still can’t decide if we want to ride it when we go to the Canadian side of the falls.

On the way back to the trailhead we stayed on top of the gorge so we would not have to take all the stairs again.  When we got back to the Jeep, we had hiked 5.29 miles so our total miles for today was about 7.5 miles – no wonder we are all tired.  We had a great day and are glad we had a nice day to hike and Tacky was glad he could finally go with us.


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