October 18, 2023, Willcox, AZ

Wednesday, we went back to the Chiricahua Mountains and drove the Pinery Canyon Road.  The road starts just south of the entrance to Chiricahua National Monument and crosses the Chiricahua Mountains.  We followed this dry creek bed where we saw several wild turkeys but were not able to get a picture.

The fall colors were just starting here and were very nice to see.

As we climbed higher into the Chiricahuas we had some great views, and it was much cooler up here.

We took a side road into Pine Canyon and over S. Downing Pass.  The sun shining on this tree made it glow.

We had some great views from Downing Pass before we turned around and headed back to Pinery Canyon Road.

We stopped at Barfoot Park – the marker says: “Barfoot Park has been designated a National Natural Landmark.  This site possesses exceptional value as an illustration of the nation’s natural heritage and contributes to a better understanding of the environment.  2011 National Park Service, United States Department of The Interior”.  We had never encountered a National Natural Landmark before.

There were several concrete foundations around this area but no indication of what they were. We ate a picnic lunch and then hiked a trail that went up behind the marker.  This was not a maintained trail and we had to climb over a couple of large trees that had fallen across the trail.

The trail led to this building which had a plaque that read: “Harper Memorial Chapel”, Howard W. Harper, 1908-1957, Cochise Council Scout Executive 1953-1957, Dedicated June 17, 1962, to scouts and scouters of all faiths in their search for God and truth, Erected by the Kiwanis Club of Douglas”.  It was obvious this had not been used in many years, but we can imagine having services in this very peaceful and beautiful setting.

We continued up Pinery Canyon Road and found more beautiful fall foliage. 


We took another side road to Rustler Park which is a National Forest campground.  We had more great views of the Chiricahuas.

On the east side of the mountains, we drove through Cave Creek Canyon where we found this White-Tailed Deer.  She looked up just as we took this picture.

And we also found more wild turkeys and this time we were able to get a couple of pictures.  

At the end of Cave Creek Canyon there was a Forest Service Ranger Station where we found out that the foundations at Barfoot Park were at one time Forest Service Buildings. 

We then drove north to I10 and back to Willcox.  We enjoyed our day in the mountains – it was certainly cooler up there.


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