July 4, 2024 – Gros Morne National Park - West Coast of Newfoundland


On July 4th – Happy 4th of July – we drove north along the Long Range Mountains to Gros Morne National Park.  We were surprised to learn that the Long Range Mountains are the northern end of the Appalachian Mountains.

We entered Gros Morne National Park which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 for its impressive geological features.  We are staying at Shallow Bay Campground for a few days.

After we got set up in the campground we took a hike through the forest on the Mail Trail to the beach.

        We were fortunate to see this Pine Grosbeak along the trail.

And the wild Iris were beautiful.  Reminds us of the wild Iris we had in our garden in Colorado.

The beach was beautiful, and we had a great time finding seashells to take home.

Tacky, Nancy, Charlie, Gunter and Susanne enjoying the beach.


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