July 27, 2009
We went on a cruise of Prince William Sound aboard the Glacier Spirit.

We were surprised to see so many jellyfish throughout the cruise.

We had Dall’s porpoises alongside the boat a number of times. It was fun to see them zipping around the boat but it was hard to get a picture (notice the raindrops on the lens, it was a job trying to keep the camera dry).

Best of all, we got to see 5 humpback whales – it was fantastic!
We went into Columbia Bay towards Columbia Glacier but were not able to get to the glacier because there was too much ice – we had to stop 6 miles away from the glacier. We did get some great pictures of the ice.
It was a wonderful cruise and we are glad we braved the rain, fog and cold to go on it.
It was so foggy and rainy that the captain had to sound his fog horn going out of the port. We saw a group of 7 sea otters shortly after we started.
We were surprised to see so many jellyfish throughout the cruise.
We had Dall’s porpoises alongside the boat a number of times. It was fun to see them zipping around the boat but it was hard to get a picture (notice the raindrops on the lens, it was a job trying to keep the camera dry).
We saw a lot of Steller Sea Lions on rocks, buoys and swimming.
Best of all, we got to see 5 humpback whales – it was fantastic!
We went into Columbia Bay towards Columbia Glacier but were not able to get to the glacier because there was too much ice – we had to stop 6 miles away from the glacier. We did get some great pictures of the ice.
The scenery was beautiful and the fog made for some very interesting pictures. We saw so many waterfalls we lost count.
It was a wonderful cruise and we are glad we braved the rain, fog and cold to go on it.
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