July 19, 2009
We took a 6 hour Kenai Fjords National Park cruise aboard a catamaran called “Glacier Express”. It was overcast, raining and foggy – just put on your rain gear and have a good time. It will certainly help with the fire danger.
We saw a lone Steller sea lion sleeping on a rock. Later we saw a couple of groups of Steller sea lions but the sea was too rough to take a picture. When we left Resurrection Bay and got into the open ocean it got pretty rough and a number of people got sea sick. The captain considered turning back but decided it was safe to continue. It was a great ride – kind of like a roller coaster.
We saw Dall’s porpoise a number of times swimming next to the boat. We didn’t get a picture of them because the sea was so rough and they swam so fast. We also saw some sea otters when we were in calmer waters.
On the way through Aialik Bay to Aialik Glacier we went through a lot of ice bergs. The Aialik Glacier was awesome - it is over a mile wide and 700 ft tall and had lots of blue in it. It was constantly cracking – sounding like gun shots and thunder. We got to see it calve a number of times and did manage to get a picture of a big chunk of ice hitting the water.
These gulls seem to be enjoying the ice.
The scenery in Kenai Fjords National Park and Resurrection Bay is spectacular. If it looks this great on a grey dreary day I can’t imagine what it is like in the sunshine.
We made it back to Seward Harbor safe and sound although somewhat wet. It was a great cruise and we would recommend anyone coming to Seward to take it.
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