July 29, 2024 – Avalon Peninsula, Eastern Newfoundland Coast

Monday, we drove to Conception Bay to the town of Cupids to hike the Burnt Head Trail.  On the way we stopped at the Seven Island Overlook just outside of Placentia.  Here we got a great view of the seven islands in the Northeast Arm River – although you cannot see all seven islands in the picture.

            A beautiful place for a photo.

We continued our drive to Cupids and found the Burnt Head Trail – a 3.1 km loop trail through woods and meadows to the cliffs on Conception Bay.

        Every turn in the trail led to beautiful views.

The trail wound through forest areas between the overlooks.

                        Our first view of Burnt Head.

More beautiful cliffs.

We were surprised to find this arch in the cliffs with beautiful turquoise water flowing under it.

Tacky taking a rest while we had a picnic lunch.

Every direction we looked we had beautiful views.

Sea stacks along the base of the cliffs.

Another beautiful hike on this gorgeous island.

Gunter and Susanne treated us to dinner at the Dockside Pub to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary.

We now have driven most of the island and visited many wonderful places.  It is time to start back across the island to catch the ferry at Port aux Basques in about 8 days.  We are going to spend a couple of days at Terra Nova National Park and stop at a few places we missed on our way across the island.


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