August 5, 2024 – West Coast of Newfoundland
Monday it was rainy and foggy, so we decided to drive to Stephenville and take a short hike along Blanche Brook. All along this section of the brook you can see fossilized tree trunks embedded in the sandstone. The fossil beds here provide a rare glimpse of the remains of 305-million-year-old tropical Cordiatalean Trees. The giant 160 ft trees grew on a mountain range when the island of Newfoundland was part of the great continent Pangaea. Nancy on the trail in the forest beside the brook. More logs in the water. We found logs of various sizes on this short section of the brook. This was a great hike despite the foggy weather, and we enjoyed finding the fossilized logs. We next drove around parts of Ernest Harmon Air Force Base – an abandoned US Air Force Base. The beginning of World War II changed everything for the small community of Stephenville. When the "Destroyers f...