April 22 – May 31, 2017 – Chama, NM
We made it to Chama midafternoon and spent the rest of
the day getting set up. We started our
jobs in the RV Park Sunday morning – Nancy in the office and Rex is working
outside. The heavy snows over the winter knocked some
trees down and broke a lot of branches so the guys were busy getting the park
cleaned up.
We woke up on April 27th to snow – Brrrr

This was the view out our back window
It snowed off and on for the next 3 days and was cold -
in low 30’s during the day and in low 20’s at night for a few days. It was
quite a change from the warm weather we left in Arizona!
May started warming up into the 50s and 60s until we
got another snow storm on the 10th – this was our last snow
storm. We only had a couple days of cold
weather and then it started warming again.
The park officially opened on May 1st and a few campers started trickling in on that day. The Rio Chama River runs behind the park and as the snow melts above us it is causing the river to run very high and very fast. The owners say they have never seen the river this high – we are all keeping a close eye on it! We are settled in and are enjoying watching the deer that come into the park and are waiting for the fawns to arrive. We also enjoy the Orioles and Hummingbirds – we have two Hummingbird feeders out and put out orange halves for the Orioles. Rex also hung a thistle sock for the finches.
As this picture shows, the Orioles also enjoy the Hummingbird feeders.
We enjoyed a great dinner for all the train docents
who are currently in Chama at the home of Bob and Holly Ross. Bob is the overall coordinator for the Docent
program – Rex will be the coordinator for the month of September and will work
as a docent on the train this summer as his park work schedule allows.
We are both learning more about how the park operates
and enjoying interacting with all the other staff and guests - this is a very
nice and pleasant place to work! Memorial
Day weekend was very busy and now the park is getting fuller – which means our
work is getting busier. We helped with
the pancake breakfast the park prepares for our guests on Memorial Day – Nancy
mixed the pancake batter and Rex cooked the pancakes. We served pancakes, sausage, juice and
coffee – everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast and good company.
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