April 22 – May 31, 2017 – Chama, NM

We made it to Chama midafternoon and spent the rest of the day getting set up. We started our jobs in the RV Park Sunday morning – Nancy in the office and Rex is working outside. The heavy snows over the winter knocked some trees down and broke a lot of branches so the guys were busy getting the park cleaned up. We woke up on April 27th to snow – Brrrr This was the view out our back window It snowed off and on for the next 3 days and was cold - in low 30’s during the day and in low 20’s at night for a few days. It was quite a change from the warm weather we left in Arizona! May started warming up into the 50s and 60s until we got another snow storm on the 10 th – this was our last snow storm. We only had a couple days of cold weather and then it started warming again. The park officially opened on May 1 st and a few campers started trickling in on that day. ...