August 1 - October 31, 2017, Chama and Aztec NM and Apache Junction AZ

We traveled back to Chama on July 31 st and were ready to start work again on August 1 st . It will take us a few days to get back into getting up early and working again. We didn’t do a lot in August except work and enjoy the wildlife and surrounding mountains. We especially enjoyed the hummingbirds that visited our feeders. And the chipmunks We also enjoyed watching the deer – especially this doe and her fawn that visited almost every day. Rex had a great time getting together with others in the park who like to play and sing. They were able to play together a few times this fall and we all enjoyed listening to these talented neighbors. We had the body shop in Chama repaint the hood on the Jeep and it makes the Jeep look a lot nicer and newer. In August we also enjoyed another great dinner...