August 8 - 31, 2016 - Chama, NM
We left Loveland RV on Monday morning and had a beautiful drive south through the Rocky Mountains to Chama, NM. We are staying at the Rio Chama RV Park on the north side of town. We stay here every year and it is good to see the owners, work campers and other friends we have made over the years. It rained every day in August, sometimes just afternoon showers but we also had some thunderstorms and down pours. Everyone tells us that July was dry and hot but August was sure wet and cool. Rex took advantage of a couple of mornings with sunshine to wax the 5 th wheel. Our little garden is certainly liking the cool wet weather – we were able to start using our lettuce and kale in salads towards the end of August. Rex is again volunteering as a docent on the Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad. He gets to ride the train a couple of times a week and enjoys sharing his knowledge of the train and ...