July 29, 2013 – Golden, BC
We woke Monday morning to a cool, cloudy and rainy day. We are glad we decided to go kayaking yesterday! It was a great morning to sleep in and take it easy for a while. After lunch we drove to the Mt. Seven viewpoint and launch site. This is where the hang gliders and paragliders that land at the campground launch from. There is also a series of mountain bike trails going down the side of the mountain. The views from here are great even on a cloudy and rainy day. This is looking down at the Columbia River and the Golden Eco-Adventure Ranch where we are camped. Standing on the launch platform and looking straight down, we all decided that there was no way we were going to willingly jump off this platform even with a hang glider or paraglider attached! A close-up of the Muller Flight Park Landing Zone – the open area in the center of the picture. We are camped in the trees to the right of the...